El vicerrectorado de Política Científica querría anunciarles que el próximo martes 6 de julio a las 12:00, vía Teams, tendrá lugar la conferencia titulada «Immunobiology of brain tumors», de la Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christel Herold-Mende, Head of the Division of Neurosurgical Research (Department of Neurosurgery) y Head of the Molecular Cell Biology Group (ENT-Department) en la Universidad de Heidelberg/Hospital de Heidelberg. Nos hablará de sus investigaciones sobre el cáncer de cerebro.
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Aquí pueden leer una breve biografía:
I obtained my PhD degree in 1995 from the University of Heidelberg (ENT-department) investigating the mechanisms of invasion and metastasis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. After a postdoc at the University of Bochum, department of applied, experimental and interdisciplinary oncology, I became in 1996 head of the Molecular Laboratory (Department of Neurosurgery) and head of the Molecular Cell Biology Group of the University of Heidelberg. In 2006, I obtained my habilitation from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Heidelberg investigating the expression and function of angiogenesis-associated molecules in intra- and extracranial head and neck tumors. Later on, in 2010, I became professor for Experimental Neurosurgery of the University of Heidelberg. My research lines involve namely the development of immunotherapeutic treatment approaches and the characterization and treatment of glioma stem cells. The major goals of my group are: a) to test feasibility of vaccination therapies in glioma patients, especially in the context of the blood-brain-barrier, b) the identification of immunogenic tumor-associated structures that could be used as vaccine antigens, c) to learn more about the relevance of immune infiltrates for spontaneous immune responses and patient outcome and d) to learn more about differentiation and resistance towards physiological differentiation in glioma stem cells. One of our most powerful tools to achieve these goals is a collection of frozen brain tumors that were operated in the department over the last 15 years, a collection of corresponding blood sera, and a patient data bank including relevant clinical parameters, further treatment and outcome. These resources are complemented by corresponding primary cultures and tumor stem cell lines from many of these patients, which together permit functional analyses and preclinical in vivo studies. I authored more than 300 publications in internationally recognized scientific journals, which have received over 20.000 citations and confers me an h-index of 77. I wish to highlight, among others, publications in journals of very high impact factor such as Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Acta Neuropathologica and Cell Stem Cell